Sleepmaker Storms Free Examine App

Pas mal du tout

A essayer absolument. Bonnes sensations sur le HP de liphone. Pour ceux qui aiment sendormir avec le son de la pluie ou de lorage. Lorsquon a du mal a trouver le someil. La version pro offre plus de variations et des bonus.


Un plaisir pour sendormir je peux plus men passer!


Application géniale pour sendormir je ne men passe plus ....bravo aux développeurs

Fantastic app

I find listening to thunderstorms very relaxing. As a light sleeper I have to have some white noise going or every little sound wakes me up. This app has helped me fall asleep faster and not wake up constantly. It even helped to disguise some of the fireworks noise from New Year’s Eve so it wasn’t so bothersome. I love the variety of tracks available. Thanks!

I absolutely love it

It's great!

Fantastic reality sleep/storm app

I have loved the sound of thunderstorms when sleeping most of my life. Depending on your sound system setup it may be different for you but I spent a lot of time calibrating my surround sound speakers for movies and in all honesty, if I turn out the lights/shut the shades, I literally feel like there's a rain/thunder storm outside. Only thing I noticed a little bit off was for some of the playbacks you can noticeably hear the track replaying rather than it being a smooth crossover.

Timer issue

Ugh this update is killing me. Sure the app now plays in the background again which is great, but the timer is messed up. It used to set automatically to 45 minutes; now I have to manually do that. Last night I set the timer for an hour, I had 70% battery, and woke up with the app still somehow on but not playing and I had 33%. Why?! This timer needs some serious work... Or, idk, JUST PUT IT BACK TO THE OLD VERSION.

Thank you!! -New update!

Thank you for fixing the background mode! I love this app again :)

Updating--thank you!!!

I was so sad and disappointed by the last app update that basically ruined this app, but THANK YOU for listening to the feedback and fixing that horrible fail!! I missed falling asleep to the sounds of these storms. I'm so happy to have it back!!

Almost there...🤔

Fixed background play, great! The 3D Touch doesn't work but it's still listed as a new feature?

Great except for the ads

I love this app and use it almost every night to get to sleep. However, with the update came a bunch of ads. It kind of defeats the purpose of the app if a car commercial starts playing during the rain. :/ I hope they will fix this soon as it's quite annoying when trying to get to sleep.

Update Review!!

Yayyy!!!! all fixed. I've been using this app every single night for years! best thunderstorm you can get when you don't live in a place where it rains. so glad they fixed the background mode 😊👏🏻❤️

Updated Review -- it's fixed and awesome!

Developer fixed a bug and the app is back to being a great way to relax and fall asleep.

Fix it~thanks!

Thanks for the speedy fix. I was lost without this app! Been using it for years every night. Even my dogs know it's sleep time when its on.

Thank You

Thank you for helping bus sleep better again. I appreciate work. This is a great app!!!!


Thank you for the quick fix to the error where app would stop running in the background or when the screen went dark. Works like a charm again!! Appreciate your speedy fix to this bug. Great app!!

Great app use it every night

Best thunderstorms for sleeping out there, use it every night.

Solid App

Best sleep aid app for me. I've tried other ones but this is the best!

Bring back old version

Fixed and working great - Thx

All is right with the world!

Now that the issue after the update was resolved, it's back to being my go to app for sleeping. Love it!

1000 Apologies Accepted

Thanks for fixing my favorite sleep app!!!!

Bring back the old version

This is a classic example of fixing something when it is not broken. I'm deleting your app and finding a replacement.

April2016 update

I used to use this app all the time to fall asleep, but now it's completely useless since it stops playing when the phone goes to sleep. The developer clearly doesn't care enough to test it before pushing out updates.

Bad update

I've used this app for years almost everyday. Now, since the update, it only works if the app is open and onscreen you can't go to another APP without it shutting off. Please fix asap guys!

Update rendered app useless.

Most recent update turns app off when device goes into sleep mode. App also stops when minimized browsed away from in any way. Current UI is counterintuitive and frustrating when compared to previous version.


Update has ruined the app. It is useless.

New update :(

I used this app for years at night to help me sleep now the new update broke it. I will not leave my phone screen on all night for it as soon as the screen locks the app quits playing. Horribly disappointed in it now :(

Please bring back the old version!

The update is nice, but the ability for the app to run in the background is gone! This was the best app----now I'm looking for another!

Problem with continuous play :(

After the most recent update, the app won't play unless the phone is on (not with lock screen) and the app is open to the storm track of your choice. If you change screens or your screen goes black, it turns off. Before the update, I could play the app for 1 solid hour while using other apps or while the screen was black. This is extremely disappointing because I rely on this app to drown out the sound of my noisy upstairs neighbors. Please fix this soon!!!

Update ruined a great app

This app before the recent update was a great app, but now the whole point of it has been removed, it has to be running as the primary app or it won't run at all, even in the background. It's completely worthless now. Please read the flood negative reviews for this update and, fix this terrible and obviously un tested "update"

Shuts off when you close screen

Like many others have said I use it to sleep at night and have loved it, but after the new update when I close the screen it stops playing the sound. You either have to leave your phone screen on all night or no sound. App is useless now. Hope they fix it or I'll have to uninstall and look for another option. Wish I'd read reviews before updating -_-

Bad update

I've used this app for several years to fall asleep. After the recent update, like many have complained about, I can't turn my phone off or else the app quits. Please fix this soon or I will find another app to replace it.

Newest update

Great until newest update. Now if the screen turns off, the app stops! Defeats the purpose of the app.

App will not stay running when screen is closed

New version will not stay running when the screen is blank. Big disappointment.

Terrible update

I know it's been said a bunch, but what is the point of it shutting off. Take all the negative reviews on the sound shutting off when apps are closed etc and change it back to the way it was 😡


Yeah that was real stupid to make the app where it doesn't run in the background or when you turn your screen off!! Hurry up and fix it!!

Fix this app!!!

I would have given this app 5 stars before the update! Now that's it's updated it won't run in the background anymore!! This app helps me sleep every night and now I'm SOL! Fix this app ASAP please while I search for another one to use until you do!!!

What the hell...

This new update is horrible. Phone locks and the app now stops and the timer means nothing. It was so much better before this. It's my favorite sleep sounds app, but I will most likely delete it after this.

Doesn't stay on when display turned off

I use this app to sleep at night. Before the update I would let the app run all night long. Now I have to leave the phone on all night. I'll just turn it over so the display's brightness won't bother me, but what an oversight! Did they do this on purpose? I hope it's just a bug so it will get fixed. If the developers thought this was a good idea, they better be reading these reviews. Please bring back the original function allowing this app to run in the background and while the display is off!!!

No good anymore

New version doesn't work when you lock your phone.

No background sound with update?!!

Had this app forever and listen every night in the background but can't anymore with this update! Why?!!


Please fix the sound so it pays when I lock my screen :( I use this app every night it's my absolute go to..

Very disappointed

The update is terrible. Will not update it on any other devices. Useless if it turns off. Why include a timer? Please fix!

Was better before the update

I like to sleep to this but now it stops when my phone goes to sleep. Now you have to stay in app to use it too.

Issues with new update

Been using this app for years. Now with this new update I can no longer exit the app or lock my phone and still listen to it. I sleep while listening to the app. Not anymore. Thanks

Updated Version

With the updated version, when I turn off my screen to save my battery, the app stops running. I'll probably delete app because of this. Sad about it because I really like this app.

Loved this until the new update...

The app no longer continues to play in the background when my phone is locked, like it used to. Nothing in the settings that would seem to change this. Please fix!

Something is wrong...

The new UI is nice, but the app shuts off when the phone locks, kind of defeats the purpose of falling asleep/sleeping with thunderstorms in the background...

New update is terrible

You can't exit the app while the storm still plays like you use to. Why did they change this. App deleted.

newest update doesn't run in the background?

not good.

Please bring back the old version!

Just updated the app. I like the new look, but it does not work as it used to. You can't run the app in the background to use another app--it stops playing. And even if you use the timer, it still stops. Please let us run it in the background without stopping/closing!

Love the 3D Touch quick launch

Not sure what the other guy was on about. 3D touch works great for me. Love that after all these years Jenny Apps are still updating the apps frequently. Keep up the good work guys

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